Exclusive molecule that helps sperm find the egg
Scientists Have Finally Found an Elusive Molecule That Helps Sperm Find The EggWe are so incredibly lucky to have been conceived. PETER DOCKRILL 6 AUG 2018 After decades of looking, researchers have identified a molecule that plays an important role in guiding sperm to find eggs. The discovery, observed in the cellular biology of sea urchins, isn't just of importance for marine invertebrates – as the findings may reveal new secrets about human fertility that could help us to treat male infertility. "The union of ovum and spermatozoon is not a process in which the sperm penetrates by virtue of its mechanical properties, but one in which a peculiarly intimate and specific biochemical reaction plays the chief role," zoologist F.R. Lillie from the University of Chicago's Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) wrote over 100 years ago. Now, more than a century later, cellular biologist U. Benjamin Kaupp from the Centre of Advanced European Studies in Germany – who for almost t...
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